Our first authentic Japanese restaurant – MIKURA (vip)

city'super 首間正宗日本料理餐廳 - 味蔵

@ 銅鑼灣糖街31號sugar+ 3樓

city'super brings you its first-ever Japanese restaurant MIKURA, is coming soon! With many years of experience in curating and appreciating authentic Japanese gourmet delights, we perform strictly-selected, high-quality natural ingredients crafted into healthy dishes and Japanese-style hot pots, all of which are expertly paired with regional sake for an exquisite and refined dining experience within the bustling metropolis.

立即 按此 或致電2219 0738訂座。





Presenting city’super’s iconic high-quality, fresh and healthy natural ingredients in three major categories: healthy dishes, Japanese-style hot pot and regional sake, promising you a gastronomic journey of many delightful surprises.





山形縣產A5 和牛(博多屋豆乳鍋):健康養顏 香滑暖心




山形縣產A5 和牛(味蔵特製蒸Shabu鍋):原汁原味 鮮香誘人

If you enjoy indulging in the fresh, natural flavours of ingredients, then the Mikura Steam Pot (Serves 2) will pleasantly surprise you. Enjoy it with our secret dipping sauce for an elevated hot pot experience.



金平牛蒡沙律:營養豐富 清新開胃


Mikura offers Kinpira Burdock Salad made to RF1’s original recipe and secret preparation method, ensuring that the ingredients are ultra-fresh in order to present the ultimate flavours of the ingredients. The burdock root has been julienned and stir-fried in soy sauce and broth. Forty types of veggie, including lettuce, radish and carrot sticks, are added to the salad for a mix of different textures. A colourful appetiser that is great for all seasons.

燒山形縣產A5一口和牛‧西冷:口感彈牙 香氣撲鼻

Rather than using standard parts of the beef, Mikura has strictly selected the most precious cut of Yamagata beef – the sirloin – to create this rare dish with bite-sized beef cubes.

產自日本山形縣的的A5 和牛乙女牛,以山形產米餵飼,脂肪熔點較低,烹調時牛脂可輕易化開,滲出油香。西冷部位更擁有最濃郁的牛香,帶有豐富的油脂,呈現美麗的「霜降」紋理,口感軟嫩,經加熱融出的油脂亦十分鮮甜,絕對是不容錯過的頂級美饌。

6色彩魚生飯:晶瑩繽紛 打卡熱選


Mikura’s beloved Chirashi Don with 6 Kinds of Sashimi features a variety of seasonal fish and seafood such as chutoro, scallop, mackerel, salmon roe, striped jack and minced tuna. These umami-packed ingredients sit atop a bed of city’super’s own-farm Japanese Niigata white rice; each translucent grain is sweet and chewy, perfectly elevating the freshness of the sashimi and seafood. Our chef doesn’t over-season the rice, so diners can enjoy the original flavour of this premium rice.



博多屋 - 手工匠藝 ‧ 職人製作新鮮豆品

city’super’s own-brand tofu house, specialises in handcrafted artisanal soybean products of exceptional quality using strictly selected Canadian soybeans. Since the launch of city’super in 1996, our Japanese Tofu Master Mr. Sasaki Takao has been using his wealth of experience and the traditional methods honed through his training in Fukuoka, Japan to handcraft the silkiest, richest soybean products, all of which are freshly made every day.

  • 豆味濃郁的木綿豆腐:可用於煎炸煮焗或製成豆腐漢堡
  • 以豆乳製成的絹豆腐:香濃且口感軟滑,可作為凍食前菜,亦可煮炸或加入沙律、湯品中品嘗
  • 散發濃郁豆香的美豆乳:有無添加糖、黑芝麻、抹茶等多款口味,加熱或冷飲皆可。也可用作煮食材料、火鍋湯底,或加入鹽滷製成豆腐、加熱製成腐皮等,滿載美味可能性

  • 茅乃舍 - 無添加風味 ‧ 百年老店高湯



    RF1 - 療癒系美饌 ‧ 精緻日本創意沙律

    RF1, one of the most popular gourmet food counters at prestigious Japanese department stores, is loved for its healthy, innovative salad creations. Tasty and nutritious, each of its dishes is carefully crafted using the freshest seasonal ingredients.

    Enlivening the spirit of craftsmanship, founder Mr Kozo Iwata had the vision of creating a new form of cuisine that marries the healthy aspect of salads from Western culture with Japan meticulous pursuit of quality and aesthetics, in order to please the diners’ different senses when they enjoy RF1 creations.

    RF1 also adjusts the flavours of its dishes based on feedback from local customers. In Hong Kong, salads are made fresh daily at city’super using strictly selected ingredients. The whole process is closely monitored by an RF1 chef to ensure all aspects of production are of the highest Japanese standards, providing you with a tasty, satisfying meal amid your hectic schedule.

    山形A5級和牛:黑毛和牛女皇 ‧ 山形A5級乙女牛

    Since 2013, city’super has partnered directly with Yamaguchi Livestock, Yamagata Prefecture’s largest cattle farm. Every month, city’super purchases whole rare and precious Otome Ushi cattle, or “maiden cows”, from Yamagata, and those that are 30 months or older are considered the best. Only very few top-notch wagyu brands in Japan use Otome Ushi. Currently, Yamaguchi Livestock is managed by two brothers, and the younger brother, Mr. Satoshi Yamaguchi, is a vet. The company is dedicated to raising Yamagata cattle with tender, juicy meat that is irresistible to lovers of fine beef.

    Yamagata A5 Grade Wagyu Beef is flavourful and succulent; its fat has a low melting point that releases an irresistible aroma as it sizzles and cooks, and indulges the palate with a rich, meaty flavour. Exclusively available at city’super, the Otome Ushi cattle have been fed with snow groundwater with trace elements, which gives the meat a delicate, tender texture with more refined marbling – a guarantee of top quality.


    1. 請留意VIP卡上推廣日期。
    2. 此優惠只適用於特選VIP。
    3. 加一服務費照原價計算。
    4. Selected VIPs must present a valid VIP card before payment to enjoy the offers at MIKURA. No retrospective arrangement will be made.
    5. 此優惠不可與super e-gold 會員全年折扣優惠、會員電子禮券,及其他推廣優惠或現金券同時使用。
    6. City Super Limited有權隨時修改此獎賞卡之使用條款而不作另行通知。如有爭議,最終以City Super Limited之決定為準。