

成立於 1996年,我們的首間分店開設於優越的購物地段 – 銅鑼灣。

我們熱愛優質生活、分享匠人手藝和美饌 – 這份信念和熱忱推動我們不斷創新,提供更多元化的產品,不但滿足顧客的需要,更啟發對品味美好生活的追求。

Throughout the years, adhering to the spirit of craftsmanship and demonstrating meticulous and detail-oriented attitude, we aspire to grow our brands and businesses. We currently operate nineteen Hong Kong stores, three Shanghai stores, one Nanjing store and ten Taiwan stores across the five brands city’super, LOG-ON, city’super EKI, iza’bis by city’super and cafe ToGather.

1996 - 2000 2001 - 2010 2011 - 2015 2016 - 2020 2021 - 2023 2021 - 2023