ROYCE' Chocolate Recipes - Christmas Rocky Road


材料:16 件份量

  • ROYCE’ Chocolate Bar - Black: 3 bars
  • ROYCE’ Potatochip Chocolate - White Chocolate & Cheese: 10
  • ROYCE’ Chocolate Wafers - Matcha Cream: 6
  • 無鹽什錦堅果:20克
  • 棉花糖:70克


  • ROYCE’ Potatochip Chocolate - White Chocolate & Cheese
  • ROYCE’ Chocolate Wafers - Matcha Cream
  • 棉花糖
  • 裝飾糖粒

  • 製作步驟

    1. 於6寸方形蛋糕模鋪上牛油紙。

    2. In a big bowl, break the ROYCE’ Potatochip, unsalted mixed nuts and marshmallow into pieces, and divide ROYCE’ Matcha Cream Chocolate Wafers into 6 pieces.

    3. Break ROYCE’ Black Chocolate Bar into pieces, and place into a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave for 30 seconds, stir and repeat until the chocolate is smooth and thoroughly melted.

    4. 將已切材料(2)加入已溶朱古力(3)拌勻。

    5. 倒朱古力混合物(4)入蛋糕模內,將混合物稍微推平到角落。

    6. Decorate with ROYCE’ Potatochip, ROYCE’ Matcha Cream Chocolate Wafers, marshmallow and sprinkles.

    7. 冷藏(非冰凍)至少 2小時。

    8. 從模具取出朱古力,切成正方形和用曲奇模切成聖誕樹形狀即成。