ROYCE' 朱古力食譜 - 芒果蛋白脆餅


材料:10 個份量


  • ROYCE’ Chocolate Bar – White: 1 bar
  • 芒果:1 個
  • 鮮忌廉:20毫升
  • 無鹽牛油:10克


  • ROYCE’ Nama Chocolate Orange & Mango: 1 box
  • 迷你蛋白脆餅:10 個
  • 新鮮薄荷及食用花:適量

  • 製作步驟

    1.芒果去皮切粒,放入攪拌機打成果蓉。取 100克芒果蓉備用。

    2. Roughly cut the ROYCE’ White Chocolate Bar into small pieces and combine it with the whipping cream in a double boiler. Whisk till the chocolate mixture becomes velvety.


    4. Spoon the mango chocolate ganache into the meringue nests. Top them with ROYCE’ Nama Chocolate Orange & Mango. Garnish with the mint and edible flowers.