Terms and Conditions of Japanese Meat Fair IG Game - Free Tasting

"city'super 日本肉祭IG有獎遊戲—— 賞您試食」條款及細則
  1. This Game is organised by City Super Limited under the name of city'super.
  2. 2023年 4月7日(五) 至2023年 4月26日(三) 晚上 8 時 30 分(香港時間)舉行(下稱:活動期間)。逾期恕不接受。
  3. 合資格參加者必須為年滿18歲或以上的香港永久性居民,並完成下列「遊戲玩法」之所有要求,否則將被取消資格而不作另行通知,參加者不得異議。
  4. 遊戲玩法: 1.「Follow/追蹤」@crafting_better_meat Instagram專頁
    2. 讚好Instagram遊戲帖文
    3. 於Instagram遊戲帖文留言處Tag三位好友,並輸入【#Meat】回覆 
    4. 經Instagram Inbox收取試食電子優惠券乙張

  5. 參加者須於活動期間完成所有遊戲步驟。對於是次活動之回覆資料及時間,將以Instagram系統顯示的時間及技術支援公司之伺服器接收時間作準,參加者不得異議,逾期恕不接受。
  6. 每個Instagram帳戶只限參與是次活動一次,所有得獎者只限獲獎品乙份。
  7. 禮品限量共800份,先到先得,送完即止。
  8. Each winner is entitled to receive a free tasting e-coupon. city’super reserves the right of final decision on Game arrangement and selection of winners.
  9. The gifts will be sent by city’super via Instagram inbox on or before 26 (Wed) April 2023 20:30 (Hong Kong Time).
  10. If the information provided by the participant is slanderous, abusive, profane, offensive, obscene, intimidating, harassing, of an advertising nature, political, illegal, invasive or in violation of any patent or third-party interest, dishonest or plagiarised, or submitted using an empty or fake account, city’super reserves the right to remove related information, disqualify the participant without prior notice and take legal action; the participant shall not have the right of appeal.
  11. 所有獎品均受有關條款及細則約束,均不可更換、兌換現金、退換其他產品以及不得轉讓,詳情請參閱電子優惠券上的資訊。獎品宣傳照片僅供參考。獎品以最終提供的產品為準。
  12. city'super reserves the right to replace the original prizes with other prizes without prior notice.
  13. city’super is not liable for any loss suffered during usage of the prizes, or any disputes between the users and suppliers.
  14. All personal information provided must be authentic and accurate. city’super reserves the right to disqualify any participant who appears to the organiser to have submitted inauthentic or inaccurate information, or behaved in a fraudulent manner. If there is any dispute, city’super reserves the right to make the final decision.
  15. city’super shall not be responsible or liable to the participant for any discrepancy, error or inaccuracy in registered information caused by or involved with equipment, programme or procedure failure due to internet or other technology problems, or human errors.
  16. Upon any discovery or suspicion of fraud, or interference in the Game or operation of the internet, system security or rules violation, city’super has the right to disqualify any participant without any notice. city’super shall have full and final decision over any of the aforementioned matters.
  17. city’super reserves the right to withdraw or terminate the Game at any time and select winners from the list of eligible participants who have entered the Game before the withdrawal or termination date.
  18. Participation in the Game is on a voluntary basis. Participants will be deemed to have read and agreed to be bounded by these Terms and Conditions. city’super will be exempted from all legal liabilities and compensation caused by this activity or reward.
  19. Personal data will be collected by city’super during this Game, for purposes including but not limited to communication with the participant result announcement and prize collection arrangements.
  20. Employees and family members of employees of city’super are not eligible to participate in the Game, or else will be disqualified.
  21. city’super reserves the right of final decision and may terminate the Game or change any Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice.
  22. In case of any disputes, city’super reserves the right of final decision.