全新Amazing Food Hall隆重登陸時代廣場店

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The first phase of the revamped city’super Times Square store reopens with a new look and an innovative "Buy & Dine" and "Dine & Buy" one-stop shopping and dining concept. Through incorporating the Foodie Wonderland retail concept, the newly-opened Amazing Food Hall is offering different kinds of appetizing dishes for customers to savour while they can also purchase these premium ingredients at the food market to replicate the gourmet experience at home. The top seven zones include Seafood Kitchen, Sushi & Sashimi, Oyster Bar, Butcher Factory, Noodles & Pasta, Super Green, and Wine Town.

There are over 150 seats inside the Amazing Food Hall, customers can enjoy a relaxing gathering with friends over fine wines and delectable cuisine made with the quality ingredients available at city’super while shopping for the finest lifestyle products at the same location.


Fresh seafood offered at Seafood Kitchen is flown in daily from around the world. city’super selects only the seafood that was caught from quality waters and would highlight the Catch of the Week, to promote seasonal jet-fresh produce.

澳洲Skull Island 野生虎蝦



匯聚了四款來自全球各地最優質牛肉,當中包括由 citysuper自家製的60天乾藏熟成英國Lincoln Red純草飼肉眼、美國長期穀飼安格斯西冷牛扒、A5級和牛西冷,以及 citysuper獨家引入的極品韓牛── 橫城韓牛。



以北海道鮮海膽入饌的海鮮丼,是廚師熱推之選。漁民守護著 “只賣你自己也會買的東西”的哲學,從1943年開始,他們一直保留傳統的捕魚方法並加以改進。秉承可持續發展的使命,堅持不會捕捉小型海膽作為商品 ,致力為顧客提供最新鮮優質的海膽。


以優雅鳥籠盛載著的「漁人海鮮生蠔拼盤」,嚴選多款頂級當季的生蠔包括澳洲高紛灣蠔、 citysuper特選生蠔和法國吉拉得生蠔,以及多款優質凍海鮮如加拿大熟龍蝦及翡翠螺、泰國熟原隻白對蝦、釀麵包蟹蓋和熟雪花蟹鉗。


city’super gathers the best of noodles from around the world in one location, like egg noodles, spaghetti, and the various kinds of soup base. Customers can pick and choose whatever they feel like having on the spot, and the chef will prepare for them a-la-minute.

Braised Japanese Pork Belly Tonkotsu Soup Ramen

以阿拉斯加海膽和由新鮮海膽熟成及發酵而成的海膽鮮醬油入饌。配以採用100%杜蘭粗粒小麥粉和走地雞蛋製作的Antica Pasteria意粉,口感彈牙,天然美味。

洋蔥湯 (季節限定8-10月)

Super Green

city'super has developed a “Super Green Bowl” concept for the Super Green zone, which incorporates nutrition, tastiness and satiety in one healthy dish. Different from the usual cold salad, warm vegetables are included to provide a more balanced and fulfilling meal for the customers. city'super handpicks only the freshest and seasonal vegetables and fruits from around the world for Super Green, including the below farms, from which city'super imports their freshest produce exclusively. Over 60 freshest produce are available for customer mix-and-match their own Super Green Bowl.




Karen's Pick
Karen是對有機產品富有經驗的美國專家,專門從美國的農莊精心挑選合適的蔬果,滿足顧客們一年四季對各類蔬菜水果的需求。透過Karen每週嚴選推介的產品, citysuper顧客能輕易地選出時令蔬果。


匯集全港種類最多、品質為上乘的各款美酒,包括紅、白餐酒、日本清酒、有氣酒等超過1,500款選擇,絕對會成為一眾對酒極為講究之人士的全新品酒天堂,以及與好友Happy Hour好去處。

來 Amazing Food Hall尋找鮮味 – 打卡贏獎品!

Introducing the innovative Foodie Wonderland retail concept and boasting premium ingredients from city’super, the brand-new Amazing Food Hall at city’super Times Square store is now open! Join us on an amazing food journey with this fun mini game. Simply follow the steps below for a chance to win great prizes!

1. 追蹤 citysuper Instagram 專頁(@citysuperhk)並讚好相關遊戲貼文
2. 到Amazing Food Hall品嘗任何料理,拍下食物美照
3. 於 citysuper店內尋找該料理的主要食材並拍照
4. 將以上照片發佈至個人Instagram作簡單介紹
5. 在貼文中標註 @citysuperhk 及 #FoodieWonderland

Winners will be informed by Instagram message on September 6, 2019. Creators of the 5 best posts will each receive a HK$1,000 city’super shopping voucher; 15 other impressive entries will also receive a HK$200 city’super shopping voucher. The mini game ends on August 31, 2019.




1. City Super Limited (‘city’super’) is the organiser of city’super Foodie Wonderland: Share Your Gourmet Experience (‘the Game’).

2. 2019 年 8 月 16日至 31 日晚上 23 時 59 分(香港時間) 舉行。

3. 參加者必須為 18 歲或以上香港永久性居民及於香港居住,同意及遵守是次遊戲之條款及細則。

4. 參加者於活動限期內按以下遊戲玩法發佈貼文,方符合參與遊戲資格及方有機會獲獎。

a. 追蹤 citysuper Instagram 專頁 ( @citysuperhk )
b. 讚好相關遊戲貼文
c. 到Amazing Food Hall品嘗任何料理,拍下食物美照
d. 於 citysuper店內尋找該料理的主要食材並拍照;
e. 將以上照片發佈至個人Instagram並作簡單介紹;
f. 在貼文中標註@citysuperhk 及 #FoodieWonderland

5. city’super will select the 20 participants with the most attractive or creative posts as winners. Each winner will be entitled to receive one prize:

a. 第 1 至 5 位得獎者:HK$1,000購物禮券 (名額共5個)
b. 第 6至 20位得獎者:HK$200購物禮券 (名額共15個)

6. city’super will inform winners by Instagram message on 6 September 2019.

7. 得獎者須於2019年9月12日前以電郵提供個人資料以作登記,並於9月16日至30日內前往 city'super 時代廣場店領取獎品。如得獎者不論任何原因,未能於上述日子登記及領取獎品,其得獎資格將自動被取消。

8. Submission time is based on the time it is received by the technical support company’s server, which cannot be disputed by participants. Regarding any dispute arising from the Game, the decision of city’super shall be final and binding.

9. To ensure fairness, staff of city’super and its marketing partners who are in charge of the Game cannot participate in the Game.

10. 所有獎品均受供應商有關條款及細則約束,均不可更換、兌換現金、退換其他產品以及不得轉讓。

11. city’super reserves the right to replace the prize with any alternative reward without prior notice.

12. All personal information provided must be authentic and accurate. city’super reserves the right to disqualify any participant who appears to the organiser to have submitted inauthentic or inaccurate information or behaved in a fraudulent manner. If there is any dispute, city’super reserves the right to make the final decision.

13. city’super shall not be responsible or liable to the participant for any discrepancy, error or inaccuracy in registered information caused by or involving equipment, software or procedure failure due to internet or other technology problems or human errors.

14. Upon any discovery or suspicion of fraud, interference with the Game or operation of the internet, or system security or rules violation, city’super has the right to disqualify any participant/winner without notice. city’super shall have full and final decision over all of these matters.

15. This Game is not organised, sponsored, supported or managed by Instagram. Instagram will not bear any responsibility for any of the participants’s actions. Regarding any dispute arising from the Game, the decision of city’super shall be final and binding.

16. city’super reserves the right to withdraw or terminate the Game at any time and select from the list of eligible participants who have entered the Game before the withdrawal or termination date as winners.

17. city’super reserves the right to modify the rules/ terms and conditions of the Game and/or to modify or terminate the prize offer above without notice. If there is any dispute, city’super reserves the right to make the full and final decision.

18. 如條款及細則之英文版及中文版有任何歧異,一概以中文版為準。



1. 參加者於是次遊戲提供之個人資料,只限用於此遊戲用途,包括結果通知、獎品安排和獎品領取。

2. 參加者提供資料純屬自願,但若參加者未有提供所需資料,其參加遊戲的資格將被取消。所有收集資料將予以保密處理,並不會透露予第三方。

3. Each participant has the right to access his/her personal data and correct any incorrect data that is held by city’super. city’super has the right to collect a reasonable administration fee for handling any request for access to personal data. Any request for access or correction of personal data should be made at least 7 working days in advance to city’super’s Marketing Division.