Frequently Asked Questions

1. About super e membership

1. 關於super e 會籍

1.1 How can I become a super e member?

1.1 如何成為super e 會員?

You can apply for free super e membership by submitting online application form and download the electronic membership card from city’super HK APP.

Applicants must be aged 18 or above.

於網上遞交申請表及在city’super HK APP下載電子會員卡,即可免費成為super e 會員。申請人必須年滿18歲。

1.2 How to become a super e-gold member?

1.2 如何成為super e- gold 會員?

super e members with an accumulated net spending of HK$30,000 within 12 months from the date of membership commencement (i.e. before the anniversary date) can upgrade to super e-gold membership.

super e 會員於會籍生效日起計的12個月為年度結算日,期間累積消費淨值滿港幣30,000元,即可升級為super e-gold 會員。

1.3 How long is the validity period of super e membership?

1.3 super e 會籍有效期為多少?

A super e membership will expire automatically if there is no purchase record within 36 months from the date of membership commencement or last transaction date, and any unused stored value in the card will be forfeited automatically. super e-gold membership is valid for 12 months. It will be renewed for another year upon an accumulated net spending of HK$30,000 within the effective period.

super e 會籍於生效後或過去36個月內沒有任何消費紀錄,會籍將會自動失效,卡內的儲值亦會自動註銷。
super e-gold 會籍有效期則為12個月,凡於會籍有效期間內累積消費淨值滿港幣30,000元,即可保留及更新下年度之會籍。

1.4 If my accumulated spending record exceeds HK$60,000, can I upgrade or renew my super e-gold membership for more than one year?

1.4 如累積消費紀錄超過港幣60,000元或以上,我可以升級或更新super e-gold 會籍超過一年嗎?

The accumulated spending record is counted on a yearly basis. Upon reaching the yearly anniversary date, the accumulated spending record of any membership type will be reset to zero. Therefore, the validity period of the super e-gold membership (either by upgrade or renewal) is limited to one year.

累積消費紀錄以年度計算,任何會籍每屆滿一年,其累積消費紀錄將自動重設為零,故super e-gold 會籍亦只可以升級或更新一年。

1.5 What are the benefits for super e and super e–gold membership?

1.5 super e 及 super e-gold 分別有什麼優惠?

super e and super e-gold members can earn 1 loyalty point for every HK$1 spent. super e members can receive a HK$50 eCoupon for every 2,000 points accumulated in a year. One HK$50 eCoupon can be used for each HK$200 spent at city’super, LOG-ON stores, two HK$50 eCoupons for each HK$400 spent, and so on. Combined receipts will not be accepted; while super e-gold members can entitle 10 Reward eCoins for every 40,000 points upon anniversary date, 20 Reward eCoins for 80,000 points, and so on. Reward eCoins redemption is available on e-gold exclusive redemption website and valid within 60 days after anniversary day while stocks last. There is no limit on the number of eCoupons or reward eCoins a member can earn.

super e-gold members are also entitled to exclusive discount offers – enjoy 3% off on all items and 10% off at affiliated merchants. Terms and conditions apply. For details, please visit

super e 及 super e-gold 會員每消費港幣 1 元,可得獎賞積分 1 分。 super e 會員年度每累積2,000分即可獲港幣50元電子禮券。於city’super, LOG-ON 分店,單一消費每滿港幣200元,即可使用港幣50元電子禮券一張 ; 消費滿港幣400元可使用港幣50元電子禮券兩張,如此類推。恕不接受合併收據。super e-gold 會員於年度結算日前,累積滿 40,000分即可獲10 獎賞eCoins 換,80,000分可獲20 獎賞eCoins,如此類推。獎賞eCoins適用於super e-gold  會員尊享禮遇換領網,有效期為年度結算日起60 日內有效。數量有限,換罄即止。不限電子禮券或獎賞eCoins的換領次數。

super e-gold 會員尊享購物折扣優惠,所有貨品97 折及指定品牌商店 9 折,需受條款及細則約束。更多會員優惠詳情請參閱

1.6 How can I check the stored value in my membership card?

1.6 我可以怎樣查閱會員卡內的儲值額?

super e members can check the stored value in the membership card through the following ways
- Use the city'super HK App; or
- Login to member site; or
- Check the balance record as shown on the receipt; or
- Call Customer Service Hotline at 2736 3866 / super e-gold Priority Service Hotline at 2277 3288; or
- Ask our Customer Service Counter staff

super e 會員可經以下途徑查閱會員卡內的儲值額
- city'super HK手機應用程式;或
- 登入會員網頁;或
- 查看收據上的紀錄;或
- 致電顧客服務熱線2736 3866 / super e-gold 優越服務專線2277 3288;或
- 向分店顧客服務部職員查詢

1.7 When will the stored value expire?

1.7 儲值有效期有多長?

The stored value shares the same validity period as the membership. When a membership expires, the stored value will be forfeited immediately and automatically.


1.8 How can I top up my membership card? Is there any restriction on the stored value and top-up value?

1.8 我可以怎樣為會員卡增值?會員卡儲值及增值金額有否限制?

You can top up your card at any Customer Service Counter or Cashier. A maximum value of HK$3,000 can be stored in the card. A minimum top-up value of HK$100 is required per transaction and the amount should be in multiples of HK$100.


1.9 How can I check my anniversary date?

1.9 我如何查閱年度結算日?

You can check your anniversary date through the following ways
- Use the city'super HK App; or
- Login to member site; or
- Check the balance record as shown on the receipt; or
- Call our Customer Service Hotline at 2736 3866 / super e-gold Priority Service Hotline at 2277 3288; or
- Ask our Customer Service Counter staff

- city'super HK手機應用程式;或
- 登入會員網頁;或
- 查看收據上的紀錄;或
- 致電顧客服務熱線2736 3866 / super e-gold 優越服務專線2277 3288;或
- 向分店顧客服務部職員查詢

1.10 Can I use the mobile / email address of an expired super e account?

1.10 我可以使用已逾期的super e 帳戶內所註冊的手機號碼/電郵嗎?

The registered mobile /email address can be used again after expired for one month.


1.11 When will super e-gold year-round discounts and privileges be changed?

1.11 super e-gold 全年折扣及禮遇會進行調整嗎?

These will be reviewed periodically in order to present a fresh new gold eXPERIENCE custom-crafted for your distinguished lifestyle. super e-gold members are entitled to various privileges, including year-round discounts, birthday gifts, priority phone ordering service, exclusive reward redemption, a free tasting of seasonal delicacies at Amazing Food Hall in Times Square, complementary gourmet workshops featuring seasonal items, and free cooking classes for birthday month and next month of membership anniversary.

會的。我們將定期進行審核,以創造更合您心意而且充滿新鮮感的 gold eXPERIENCE 會員體驗,完美配合您的卓越生活品味。super e-gold 會員可專享不同驚喜禮遇,包括super e-gold 全年折扣優惠、生日禮遇、優越電話購物服務、於時代廣場美食佳釀專區品嚐當季美饌體驗、免費美食工作坊及享用每年兩次免費參加生活藝會廚藝班,分別安排在您的生日月份及會籍結算日的翌月。