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city'super Peach Helles Lager

Let’s refresh and recharge this summer! city'super has launched a new and exciting product. Cheers to City Super Group’s 25th anniversary!

city'super Peach Helles Lager

city'super 25th Anniversary special-edition beer comes in a cute polar bear design, and is crafted with nectar of Yamanashi peaches from Naito Farm. Grown by certified eco farmers, the peaches are characterised by rich sweetness and aroma and make you feel like you’re eating seasonal ripe peaches. With no added sugar, this summer brew is highlighted with refreshing malty flavours, fruity aromas and a soft, dry finish. Perfect for both novice and experienced craft beer drinkers.


For the past 25 years, city'super has been bringing our customers high-quality products from all over the world, with the appreciation for quality and fine craftsmanship at the heart of its core values. This year is City Super Group’s 25th anniversary. With a mutual recognition of the power of craftsmanship, we are partnering with N.I.P Distilling to bring you a limited-edition handcrafted gin that is no doubt a worthy addition to any gin lover’s collection.

關於N.I.P Distilling無名氏

無名氏 N.I.P是香港首間手工氈酒廠,成立於2019年,由兩位曾在蘇格蘭學習蒸餾的年輕氈酒愛好者創立。N.I.P全名為Not Important Persons, 意指只要有信念和堅持,每一位無名氏也有能力改變世界,實現自己的夢想和激情,這份香港精神正正也是 N.I.P Gin 代表的價值。成立的使命是建立一個欣賞精釀烈酒的社區,為世界帶來具有香港本地特色的氈酒。

N.I.P. Dry Gin Limited Edition city'super peach

這款手工蒸餾氈酒嚴選來自山形縣野川農園的極品水蜜桃作為原料,採用日本排名前100的高品質水源栽種,果肉柔軟,甜度極高,散發令人驚歎的香氣。配合N.I.P Distilling無名氏鼓舞人心的故事和辛勤工作的成果,邀請品嘗者一同追求更美好的生活方式。


Is it food, or is it art? This premium bottle of extra virgin olive oil is worth our appreciation – both inside and out. For our 25th anniversary, city'super has invited master ceramicists from Sciacca, an ancient city on the south-western coast of Sicily, Italy, to design and handmake the olive oil bottles, which have hand-painted city'super 25th anniversary logos on them. The origin of ceramics from Sciacca dates back to 8,000 to 6,000 BC, and today the ceramic pieces created still retain the shapes and colours of ancient traditions – truly an authentic art.

Regno Degli Ulivi 特級初榨橄欖油 - 西西里手繪鄉村陶瓷系列


細味ALAN CHAN旅程中的靈感

Did you know who designed the city'super logo?

答案就是香港著名平面及室內設計師、藝術家陳幼堅先生(Alan Chan)。

An important aspect of the city'super logo is the upside down “i”, which has become an exclamation mark to express the surprise and excitement brought to customers through excellent products and exceptional service. It is modern, stylish, and indicates that customers are not bounded by traditional ways of life. As City Super Group turns 25, Alan Chan has specially selected a bottle that pays homage to his journey across continents during his design career. Cheers!

法國Chateau L’Hermitage Lescours Alan Chan Edition 紅葡萄酒2015



On our 25th birthday, city'super wishes to honour more brands with a long history, and Ying Kee, which was founded during the Guangxu Reign of Qing Dynasty, is one of them. To celebrate City Super Group’s 25th anniversary, Ying Kee brings you its 135th Anniversary Tea Set at a special price, sharing their love of tea with other tea connoisseurs.




Little Mermaid 嚴選日本直送麵團製作一系列高品質烘焙產品。為慶祝City Super 集團25周年,更特別揀選日本A5級山形和牛配合日本丹麥酥皮,呈獻這款極上級美味,為慶典增添尊貴氣氛。

city'super Exclusive: Elegant and Delicate Tea Time Treats

午後時光,沏一壺清新白茶,歎一份精緻甜點,為日常生活自製Magic Hours。適逢集團慶祝25周年,特意精選了以下周年慶獨家美食,邀您一同品味愉悅快感。

Florte 粉紅花蕾白茶罐裝 70g


The Cakery抹茶格蘭諾

不含麩質,鬆脆微甜的純素抹茶燕麥片 。適合作為早餐或下午茶品嘗。

推出日期 :2021年10月1日

Paul Lafayet日式焙茶雲呢拿蛋糕


推出日期 :2021年10月8日

25周年慶典:ROYCE' 朱古力蛋糕

To celebrate City Super Group’s 25th birthday, beloved Hokkaido chocolate brand ROYCE’ has specially launched two exquisite, rich and flavourful chocolate cakes that are not to be missed by chocolate fanatics.

ROYCE’ 巧克力磅蛋糕


ROYCE’ 干邑巧克力蛋糕

口感柔滑的香濃朱古力蛋糕,搭配人頭馬 VSOP干邑白蘭地的糖漿,更有蜜餞蘋果和碎橙皮增添口感和果香,帶出醇厚干邑白蘭地和朱古力的豐富餘韻。

推出日期 :2021年10月1日

Hong Kong First Launch: city'super x Dassai 25th Anniversary Limited-edition Junmai Daiginjo

為慶祝City Super集團25周年而策劃的這個聯乘紀念版清酒套裝,以「感恩」及「分享」為題,帶給大家全新限量版清酒禮盒, 當中包括兩支不同飲法的清酒及一對限量酒杯,意味著細水長流的友誼。

This collaboration features two very special characters: city'super’s Chef Polar and Dassai’s Kawauso Kun. Dassai’s name came from Asahi Brewery’s location “Osogoe”, where many otters frolic in the nearby rivers. The otters would lay out all the fish they caught on the shore as if they are showing them off – like one would during a festival. So Dassai literally translates to “otter festival”. For Chef Polar who came from the North Pole, he travelled around the world looking for food due to a food shortage back home, and met Kawauso Kun when he got to Japan. The two became great friends, as Chef Polar began to learn about slow-living and the importance of sharing from Kawauso Kun.


city’super x Dassai Junmai Daiginjo (25th Anniversary Edition)

This set comes with one bottle of Dassai 23 Junmai Daiginjo (300mL), one bottle of Dassai 23 Junmai Daiginjo Warm Sake (300mL) and a pair of sake glasses. The 300mL edition is specially created for city'super. The warm sake has a city'super special edition sticker. When you warm up the sake, the city'super 25th anniversary logo will appear when it reaches the right temperature.

推出日期 :2021年11月下旬

Special Promo: city'super Dry-Aged Beef with Special 25th Anniversary Packing Service

近年,熟成牛肉(Dry-Aged Beef)開始為人熟悉。適逢集團25周年,特別為各牛肉控帶來熟成牛肉25周年特別包裝服務,一嘗更有風味的牛肉。



city’super Beef Dry-Ageing Process:

我們專門挑選外國進口優質牛肉,經過5年的測試,認為60日乾藏熟成牛肉的品質最為出色。 牛肉抵港後會立即進行乾燥熟成過程,從挑選、懸掛、乾燥到切割,每個步驟均由我們的專家監控,確保牛肉質感軟嫩,充滿芳香風味,口感完美。

city'super Bespoke Beef Dry-Ageing Service:

30 日:

  • 標準品質
  • 柔嫩度、風味和香味達至初級標準
  • 經肉類專家精心嚴選
  • 適合不喜歡特別香味(比如藍紋芝士)的顧客


  • 優等品質
  • 平衡較高的柔軟度,濃郁香氣及風味
  • 經肉類專家精心嚴選
  • 適合熟成牛肉愛好者


  • 極致品質
  • 極致柔嫩、香氣濃郁
  • 經肉類專家精心嚴選
  • 適合熟成牛肉愛好者

推出日期 :2021年12月


Balsamic vinegar and honey are two must-have condiments at home that bring natural tartness and sweetness to the dining table. To celebrate city'super’s 25th anniversary, we would like to recommend two of our high-quality, own-brand products that are perfect as gifts for loved ones or for yourself!

city’super Gold Balsamic Vinegar of Modena PGI


ForME Honey city'super 25th Anniversary Limited Gift Set

ForME HONEY was established in 2014 with the aim to promote health and wellness. They are always innovating, while taking good care of their bees so these precious workers can help collect the best quality natural honey. The city'super 25th Anniversary Limited Edition ForME HONEY Honey Set includes ForME HONEY 25-Year-Old Mandarin Peel Honey Kumquat, ForME HONEY Aged Lime Essence, Honey Rose Peanut Butter, Basil Lemongrass Honey Roasted Cashews and a special wooden spoon.


city'super 25th Anniversary Exclusive: Summer Afternoon Tea Special

As we battle the summer heat wave, are you craving something sweet and refreshing? city'super is excited to bring you this match made in heaven: white peach cheesecake this is not too sweet, and a smooth and rich Irish cream foam ice drip coffee. What’s more, this combo is super Insta-worthy.

Paul Lafayet 白桃芝士蛋糕

Exclusively created for city'super 25th anniversary. Beautiful pink mirror glaze is paired with a crumbly cheesecake base as well as sweet and refreshing white peach filling and creamy cheese mousse for a well-balanced dessert. Full of different textures, the cake is decorated with macaron and chocolate, and is sweet without being overly so. Great for summer.

Available at Paul Lafayet counters at city'super Times Square, Harbour City and New Town Plaza stores.

18Grams 咸愛爾蘭奶油冰滴咖啡

Exclusively created for city'super 25th anniversary. 8-hour special ice drip coffee is topped with Irish cream foam for an irresistible taste. This coffee doesn’t contain any alcohol, but exudes a rich and elegant wine flavour and aroma.

Available at 18Grams counters at city'super Times Square and New Town Plaza stores.

匠藝生活之味:即席美饌 精緻不減

As we celebrate city'super’s 25th anniversary, we invite you to explore the theme of “crafting a better lifestyle” and take the time to appreciate the small pleasures in life. Here are two delicious dishes that are made especially for those who try to maintain a healthy diet despite living a busy life!

RF1 SOZAI 出品 :



From FusionDeli :




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