“K-Pop Street Bites”HK$30 Discount eCoupon Terms and condition

「潮韓街頭味力」港幣30元電子禮券條款及細則 :

  1. The eCoupon is only applicable at city’super physical stores from 23 (Thur) May – 12 (Wed) Jun 2024.
  2. Eligible super e and super e-gold members can enjoy HK$30 off any single net purchase of HK$300 or more that includes at least one selected item from the “K-Pop Street Bites” promotion at a city’super physical store by presenting the eCoupon.
  3. The eCoupon is not applicable to purchases of selected products or counters, ready-to-eat snacks, baby formula, cigarettes or gift/shopping vouchers, purchase or top-up of city’super Gift Cards, paper shopping bags, delivery charges, gift wrapping charges, transactions using prepaid cards or stored value cards, reloads, top-ups, recharging, or value-add service.
  4. 每張電子禮券只可使用一次,每次限用一張。每位合資格super e 及 super e-gold 會員只限使用電子禮券乙張。逾期或已失效的電子禮券將不獲接受。
  5. This eCoupon cannot be used in the city’super E-Shop website/E-Shop App or at self-checkout counter.
  6. 此電子禮券不可與super e-gold 卡全年即時折扣優惠、其他會員電子優惠券、其他推廣優惠/優惠券/現金券同時使用。恕不接受追溯申請。   
  7. 產品數量有限,售完即止。
  8. 此電子禮券不可作退款、兌換現金/購物禮券/其他禮券/貨品或退換,或轉讓給他人。圖片只供參考。 
  9. 已使用的電子禮券即時失效,不設補發/退還或重用。
  10. 會員需於付款前同時出示有效會員卡及此電子禮券,方可享用優惠、累積消費紀錄及賺取積分。   
  11. 損壞、影印本、截圖畫面或經修改之電子禮券,恕不接受。
  12. 持電子禮券人有責任承擔電子禮券之遺失、失竊、毀壞或遭濫用,City Super Limited概不負責。
  13. 所有已取消的交易或購物退款,因應該次消費而獲得的獎賞積分將會自動扣除,包括因指定推廣計劃而額外獲得之獎賞積分。   
  14. City Super Limited 有權隨時修改此電子禮券之使用條款而不作另行通知。如有爭議,將以 City Super Limited 之最終決定為準。