Airside neighbourhood offer Terms and Conditions

city'super AIRSIDE is turning into your neighbourhood store

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super e會員優惠券條款及細則

  1. This coupon is only applicable from 4 (Wed) September – 6 (Sun) October 2024 at city’super neighbourhood AIRSIDE store.
  2. 每張券只可使用乙次。
  3. 須於付款前向職員出示有效super e會員卡及此券正本,過後恕不受理。
  4. This coupon is not applicable to fixed price and specified items or counters; and cannot be used for the purchase of baby formula, cigarettes, gift / shopping vouchers, purchase or top up of city’super Gift Cards, charges on plastic shopping bags, delivery charges, gift wrapping charges, transactions using prepaid cards or stored value cards, reloads, top ups, recharging, value-added service, or in conjunction with any other promotion or coupons, or at any self-checkout counter.
  5. 優惠不可與super e-gold卡全年折扣優惠、會員電子優惠劵、其他推廣優惠或現金劵同時使用。
  6. 享用此優惠之消費均不獲享super e積分或計算作累積消費。
  7. 所有已取消的交易或購物退款,因應該次消費而獲得的獎賞積分將會自動扣除,包括因指定推廣計劃而額外獲得之獎賞積分。
  8. City Super Limited有權隨時修改此獎賞卡之使用條款而不作另行通知。如有爭議,最終以City Super Limited之決定為準。