

以「Have fun, be inspired!」為品牌理念,從世界各地搜羅最新潮流文具、攝影及電子玩意、時尚飾物、旅遊配件、個人護理及休閒健美用品等,讓您體驗品味生活。

Combining high quality with convenience in a refreshing new concept, city'super EKI is a novel way to subvert traditional convenience store culture and redefine the gourmet experience. The brand's mascot Ekikun's greatest happiness as a hidden gourmand is to discover healthy, high-quality food every day, bringing blessing to the brand as a true believer in never wasting a meal.

Located in city’super Times Square store, iza’bis presents a worldwide selection of high-quality raw ingredients and offers more than 150 Japanese izakaya-style and European bistro-style gourmet delights and more than 1,500 fine wines, sakes and spirits for guests to enjoy.

走悠閒日式餐廳風格的cafe ToGather,採用日本雞蛋及Little Mermaid麵包製作各種美食佳餚,並運用溫暖大地色作為室內設計的主色調,打造舒適的用餐氛圍,期望用食物及藝術讓大家遠離喧囂、開懷暢聚,實行真正的「Be ToGather」。