比利時紅椰菜 (600g)

SKU: 601000004

比利時紅椰菜 (600g)

比利時紅椰菜 (600g)

SKU: 601000004





產地: Belgium

Keep refrigerated

: Keep refrigerated

Came from Belgium, this Red Cabbage can be used in preparations both raw and cooked. With less water content which makes its leaves chewier and coarser than Chinese cabbage varieties. With bold, slightly spicy, rich flavour, it is usually pickled fresh and made into Sauerkraut.

Keep refrigerated

*Photo for reference only.

Came from Belgium, this Red Cabbage can be used in preparations both raw and cooked. With less water content which makes its leaves chewier and coarser than Chinese cabbage varieties. With bold, slightly spicy, rich flavour, it is usually pickled fresh and made into Sauerkraut.

Keep refrigerated

*Photo for reference only.

Came from Belgium, this Red Cabbage can be used in preparations both raw and cooked. With less water content which makes its leaves chewier and coarser than Chinese cabbage varieties. With bold, slightly spicy, rich flavour, it is usually pickled fresh and made into Sauerkraut.

Keep refrigerated

*Photo for reference only.

比利時紅椰菜 (600g)

SKU: 601000004
