ROYCE' ChocoLand – 暑假限定派對

by Anson Tsui

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This summer, city’super will be bringing its first-ever,  ROYCE’ ChocoLand, to Hong Kong, all the way from Hokkaido for all chocolate aficionados! From July 5-15, the atrium of Times Square in Causeway Bay will be transformed into a Hokkaido chocolate factory with a host of fun-filled activities.


A fine combination of chocolates using fresh cream from Hokkaido, ROYCE' chocolate is known for velvety smoothness and a melt-in-your-mouth texture in every bite. At ROYCE' ChocoLand, the brand will introduce two new flavours which first launch to Hong Kong.

• 生巧克力焙茶味﹕日本焙茶配上牛奶巧克力,再加入威士忌酒調味,味道濃郁。

• 朱古力磚-可可粒﹕可可豆磨碎後成為可可粒,再灑入用委內瑞拉可可豆做的巧克力(濃度達至 70%),脆卜卜的可可粒配上微苦的巧克力,口感有趣。

As well as new flavours of chocolate, ROYCE' is also bringing a series of limited-edition gifts to the event. Simply buy the specified amount of ROYCE' products and redeem a gift at the Japanese-style vending machines on site. Stocks are limited and only be available while they last.


ROYCE' chocolate is known for velvety smoothness and a melt-in-your-mouth texture in every bite. Lovers of the brand can now also get an attractive ROYCE' pattern drawn on their hand, with five styles of fetching tattoo with graphics from the different flavours. ROYCE' fans can get one onsite.

甜「美」輕體驗 : 動態相框美拍

