LORUSSO 有機士多啤梨果醬 (305g)

SKU: 301362451

LORUSSO 有機士多啤梨果醬  (305g)
LORUSSO 有機士多啤梨果醬  (305g)
LORUSSO 有機士多啤梨果醬  (305g)
LORUSSO 有機士多啤梨果醬  (305g)


LORUSSO 有機士多啤梨果醬 (305g)

SKU: 301362451





產地: Spain

Keep refrigerated after opening

: Keep refrigerated after opening

Hand made in an artisanal way and free from colourings and preservatives, using whole strawberries to create this amazing jam, which has a deep intense red colour and delicate real strawberry bits. With its delightful explosion of genuine texture and flavour, it is perfect on your breakfast toast, or for making desserts!


Keep refrigerated after opening

*Photo for reference only.

Hand made in an artisanal way and free from colourings and preservatives, using whole strawberries to create this amazing jam, which has a deep intense red colour and delicate real strawberry bits. With its delightful explosion of genuine texture and flavour, it is perfect on your breakfast toast, or for making desserts!


Keep refrigerated after opening

*Photo for reference only.


LORUSSO 有機士多啤梨果醬 (305g)

SKU: 301362451
