Airside neighbourhood offer Terms and Conditions

city'super AIRSIDE is turning into your neighbourhood store

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super e Member Coupon Terms and Conditions

  1. This coupon is only applicable from 4 (Wed) September – 6 (Sun) October 2024 at city’super neighbourhood AIRSIDE store.
  2. This coupon can be used once only.
  3. Valid super e membership card and original coupon must be presented to the staff to enjoy the offer. No retrospective arrangement will be made.
  4. This coupon is not applicable to fixed price and specified items or counters; and cannot be used for the purchase of baby formula, cigarettes, gift / shopping vouchers, purchase or top up of city’super Gift Cards, charges on plastic shopping bags, delivery charges, gift wrapping charges, transactions using prepaid cards or stored value cards, reloads, top ups, recharging, value-added service, or in conjunction with any other promotion or coupons, or at any self-checkout counter.
  5. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with super e-gold Year-round Discount, member reward eCoupons, other promotional offers or coupon.
  6. Purchases made under this offer are not eligible for super e loyalty points or accumulated spending.
  7. All cancelled transactions or shopping refunds will result in the automatic deduction of points obtained from them, including the extra loyalty points earned from specific promotions.
  8. City Super Limited reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice, and of final decision on all matters of dispute.