city'super歐日美饌餐廳 - iza'bis


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Izakaya x Bistro:當日本居酒屋遇上歐洲餐館風味

@ city’super時代廣場店

city’super brings you the brand new restaurant iza’bis, which is open now. The all-new iza’bis marries the essence of Japanese (izakaya) and European (bistro) cuisines, presenting them with a worldwide selection of high-quality raw ingredients to showcase the flavours of both.

立即 按此 或致電2917 7254訂座


Showcasing a worldwide selection of high-quality raw ingredients such as seasonal oysters, other seafood and sashimi, and premium beef. iza’bis offers over 150 Japanese izakaya-style and European bistro-style gourmet delights and more than 1,500 fine wines, sakes and spirits for guests to enjoy. In the dedicated 80-seat dining area, customers can savour fine food and wine with friends, then shop to their hearts’ content and purchase the ingredients from city’super - all in a single location.


即日起,super e會員及特選VIP可享九折開業優惠**

簡單填寫登記表格,成為super e會員迎接更多驚喜!



iza’bis時令生蠔:鮮味十足 「蠔」華盛宴

iza’bis by city’super為您嚴選來自法國及愛爾蘭的頂級生蠔,呈獻鮮氣滿滿的味覺享受!

Among our exciting selection of nine types of oysters from Europe, worthy of special mention are French city’super Special Oyster Nr.0 , French Tsarskaya Oyster Nr.1 and Irish Muirgen Oyster produced by the renowned French brand Les Parcs Saint Kerber. Apart from selecting oyster brands with particular care, the culinary team at iza’bis by city’super has also created four condiments to serve alongside the oysters. They are the European-style Shallot Sherry Vinaigrette and Cocktail Sauce, and the Japanese-style Mozuku and Salmon Roe, which together typify iza’bis by city’super by combining European and Japanese cuisines.

極上漁人冰鎮海鮮塔:原汁原味 鮮香四溢

The sumptuous two-tier Premium Fisherman’s Seafood Tower brings together seven seasonal types of seafood, cocktail prawns, Vannamei prawns, snow crab claws, Canadian cooked lobster, Hokkaido scallops, Canadian whelks and Taraba crab legs, which are sourced from all over the world by city’super’s experienced merchandising team. Served with a homemade cocktail sauce made by our culinary team, this dish is perfect for sharing among family and friends.

油香豐富 外脆內嫩



肉質軟嫩 風味飽滿

Equipped with its own dry-ageing fridges, iza’bis by city’super dry-ages steak in house, providing USA Long Term Grain Fed Angus Beef and Australian M9+ Wagyu Beef that have been dry-aged for 60 days. Aged beef boasts a tenderer texture and a stronger, more intense flavour. As the icing on the cake, side dishes including French fries, mashed potato with black truffle, deep-fried artichokes, creamed spinach, creamy mushrooms and a grilled seasonal vegetable bowl are available for diners to choose.

雜錦海鮮蒸煮盛合:賞心悅目 療癒美食


海膽免治吞拿魚腩配博多屋手工絹豆腐冷奴:精緻開胃 前菜之選


博多屋大豆蓉配豬面頰:口感豐富 層次鮮明


自家製麵包布甸配雲呢拿籽忌廉醬:香甜誘人 一試難忘

將由Little Mermaid出品的麵包切粒,在盤中鋪平後再混入牛奶、忌廉、雞蛋、肉桂粉、白蘭地和提子乾。面層再蓋上牛油塊後並以攝氏140度焗煮50分鐘。將新鮮雲呢拿籽從原條雲呢拿條中取出,然後混入忌廉和糖煮成香滑的醬汁。最後在麵包布丁的面層放上薄荷葉和灑上糖霜。


city’super Château la Croix Mazeran 2019

city’super自家品牌波爾多聖埃美隆葡萄酒,混合梅洛和卡本內弗朗葡萄品種,於橡木桶發酵12個月,甜美多汁,帶有鮮活而復雜的野生黑漿果、花香和木本香氣。口感上,單寧飽滿,帶有薄荷醇香氣和木香。此佳釀曾榮獲《Wine Enthusiast》評分92分。

Le Blanc des Cabanes, Chateau de Lugey

這款葡萄酒最獨一無二的地方就是它在法國大西洋的海灣Bassin d'Arcachon的海下陳釀了6個月,在沒有陽光、氧氣和恆溫的環境下造就了非常理想的天然酒窖環境。在陳釀過程中,酒瓶上被裝飾著細小的蜆、生蠔和海藻。葡萄品種為榭蜜雍(Semillon)和白蘇維翁(Sauvignon Blanc),稻草黃色,散發出濃郁的熱帶水果芳氣,帶有礦物味、果味,口感順滑。


Les Parcs Saint Kerber: 法國特選匠心生蠔

位於著名法國聖米歇爾山對面的康卡爾灣,是全球最佳法國生蠔出產地之一。三代以來,位於法國康卡爾的Saint Kerber家族堅持將傳統與創新方法互相結合,憑藉匠心精神養殖出世界聞名的頂級生蠔。

山形A5級和牛:黑毛和牛女皇 ‧ 山形A5級乙女牛


Since 2013, city’super has partnered directly with Yamaguchi Livestock. Every month, city’super exclusively purchases whole rare and precious Otome Ushi cattle, or “maiden cows”, from Yamagata. Those aged 30 months or older are considered the best. Yamagata A5 Grade Wagyu Beef is flavourful and succulent; its fat has a low melting point and releases an irresistible aroma as it sizzles and cooks, and it indulges the palate with a rich, meaty flavour.




博多屋:手工匠藝 · 職人製作新鮮豆品

Hakataya, city'super’s own-brand tofu house, specialises in handcrafted artisanal soybean products of exceptional quality, made using strictly selected Canadian soybeans. Since the launch of city’super in 1996, our Japanese Tofu Master Mr. Sasaki Takao has been using his wealth of experience and the traditional methods honed through his training in Fukuoka, Japan to handcraft the silkiest, richest soybean products, all of which are freshly made every day.

*super e 會員開業禮遇條款及細則

  1. 此優惠推廣期為2022年12月6日(二)至2023年1月31日(六)。
  2. 此優惠只適用於super e 及 e-gold 會員。
  3. 加一服務費照原價計算。
  4. super e及super e-gold會員須於iza'bis付款前出示有效之會員卡,過後恕不受理。
  5. 此優惠不可與super e-gold 會員全年折扣優惠、會員電子禮券,及其他推廣優惠或現金券同時使用。
  6. 有權隨時修改此獎賞卡之使用條款而不作另行通知。如有爭議,最終以City Super Limited之決定為準。


  1. 請留意VIP卡上推廣日期。
  2. 此優惠只適用於特選VIP。
  3. 加一服務費照原價計算。
  4. 特選VIP須於iza'bis付款前出示有效之VIP卡,過後恕不受理。
  5. 此優惠不可與super e-gold 會員全年折扣優惠、會員電子禮券,及其他推廣優惠或現金券同時使用。
  6. 有權隨時修改此獎賞卡之使用條款而不作另行通知。如有爭議,最終以City Super Limited之決定為準。