“K-Pop Street Bites”HK$30 Discount eCoupon Terms and condition

“K-Pop Street Bites”HK$30 Discount eCoupon Terms and conditions:

  1. The eCoupon is only applicable at city’super physical stores from 23 (Thur) May – 12 (Wed) Jun 2024.
  2. Eligible super e and super e-gold members can enjoy HK$30 off any single net purchase of HK$300 or more that includes at least one selected item from the “K-Pop Street Bites” promotion at a city’super physical store by presenting the eCoupon.
  3. The eCoupon is not applicable to purchases of selected products or counters, ready-to-eat snacks, baby formula, cigarettes or gift/shopping vouchers, purchase or top-up of city’super Gift Cards, paper shopping bags, delivery charges, gift wrapping charges, transactions using prepaid cards or stored value cards, reloads, top-ups, recharging, or value-add service.
  4. The eCoupon can be used once only. A maximum of one eCoupon can be used per eligible super e or super e-gold member. Only one eCoupon can be used per transaction. Expired or invalid eCoupons will not be accepted.
  5. This eCoupon cannot be used in the city’super E-Shop website/E-Shop App or at self-checkout counter.
  6. The eCoupon cannot be used in conjunction with super e-gold card year-round discounts, member reward eCoupons, promotional offers or coupons. No retrospective arrangements will be made.
  7. Products are available while stocks last.
  8. The eCoupon cannot be refunded, redeemed for cash/shopping vouchers/other vouchers/merchandise or exchanged, or transferred. Photos are for reference only.
  9. The eCoupon will be invalid after use and will not be returned, reissued or reused.
  10. A valid eCoupon and membership card should be presented to the cashier at the same time before payment in order to enjoy the Offer, accumulate loyalty points and update your spending records.
  11. Damaged/photocopied/screen captured/edited eCoupons will not be accepted.
  12. City Super Limited will not be liable for the loss, theft, damage or misuse of any issued eCoupon. The eCoupon holder shall be solely responsible for all liabilities.
  13. If any cancellation of transaction or arrangement of refund has been made, loyalty points earned for that transaction will be deducted automatically, including extra loyalty points earned from designated promotional offers.
  14. City Super Limited reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of the eCoupon without prior notice, and of final decision on all matters of dispute.