ROYCE' Chocolate Recipes - Mini Dark Chocolate Tarts

Mini Dark Chocolate Tarts
Ingredients : Serving Size 6
Tarts & Chocolate Ganache

1. Break ROYCE’ Baton Cookies into crumbs and add into tart shells, about 1/3 or halfway to the top.
2. Chocolate Ganache: Finely chop the ROYCE’ Chocolate Black Bar and place into a heatproof bowl. Heat whipping cream in a small saucepan until just simmering, then immediately pour it over chocolate. Let it sit undisturbed for 1 minute. Stir until smooth and shiny.
3. Fill each tart shell (1) with ganache (2). Chill for at least 1 hour to set.
4. Cut sponge cakes using a heart-shaped cookie cutter.
5. Divide ROYCE’ Chocolate White Bar into 2 equal portions, break into small pieces and place into 2 separate microwave-safe bowls.
6. Microwave 2 bowls of white chocolate together for 30 seconds, stir and repeat until the chocolate is smooth and thoroughly melted.
7. Add 1-2 drops of rose pink colouring into one bowl of melted white chocolate, and mix well to create pink colour.
8. Coat the heart-shaped sponge cakes (4) with melted chocolate, top with sprinkles or drizzle with more melted chocolate.
9. Place the decorated sponge cakes (8) on top of the chilled tarts (3).