XMAS 2020 Gift Redemption


Christmas Gourmet


1. Early Bird Offer
Pre-Order Offer 8% off, now till 11 Dec,2020


2. Exclusive Offer for Message Card Recipient
For super e and super e-gold members,  upon a single net purchase of $1,000 (not including delivery fee) of Christmas Gourmet items during the period 12- 22 Dec,2020, entitle one $50 eCoupon.

Christmas Party Set


1. Early Bird Offer
Pre-Order Offer 30% off, now till 13 Dec,2020

2. Exclusive Offer for Message Card Recipient
For super e and super e-gold members, upon a single net purchase of $1,000 (not including delivery fee) of Christmas Party Set items during the period 14- 31 Dec,2020, entitle four $50 eCoupon.

Not a member yet? Register here to enjoy the offer!

Terms and Conditions
  1. One city'super HK$50 Reward eCoupon will be added to your membership account for same-day single net purchases of HK$1,000 or above from the Christmas Gourmet Page during 12 – 22 Dec 2020, and four city'super HK$50 Reward eCoupons will be added to your membership account for same-day single net purchases of HK$1,000 or above from the Christmas Party Set Page during 14 – 31 Dec 2020.
  2. city'super HK$50 Reward eCoupons will be issued based on purchase records during the promotional period to eligible members on 29 Dec 2020 for purchases on the Christmas Gourmet Page and on 8 Jan 2021 for purchases on the Christmas Party Set Page. The city'super Reward eCoupons are valid at four city'super stores till 31 Jan 2021, except city’super E-Shop.
  3. The purchase of baby formula, cigarettes, city’super Gift Cards or Shopping Vouchers, delivery charges and the top up of super e cards are not applicable to this city'super Reward eCoupon.
  4. This city'super Reward eCoupon cannot be used in conjunction with member Reward eCoupons, other promotional offers or coupons.
  5. All cancelled transactions or shopping refunds will result in the automatic deduction of points obtained from them, including the extra loyalty points earned from specific promotions.
  6. This city'super Reward eCoupon cannot be redeemed as cash or other vouchers. The total value of an eCoupon will be deducted in full when used. Any unused balance will be forfeited.
  7. This city'super Reward eCoupon is non-transferable and must be used together with a valid physical or electronic membership card for verification.
  8. Members are required to login at the city’super E-Shop in order to earn loyalty points and accumulate spending. No retrospective arrangements will be made.
  9. Terms and conditions of city'super Reward eCoupon should be applied.
  10. City Super Limited reserve the right to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice, and of final decision on all matters of dispute.


  1. 於2020年12月12日至12月22日期間,同日於city’super網上商店聖誕大餐食材頁面單一消費淨值滿港幣 1,000 元或以上, 可獲得 city'super港幣50元電子禮券1張;或於2020年12月14日至12月31日期間,同日於city’super 網上商店聖誕派對套餐頁面單一消費淨值滿港幣 1,000元或以上,可獲得city'super港幣50元電子禮券4 張。
  2. 根據推廣期間內之消費紀錄,於city’super網上商店聖誕大餐食材頁面及聖誕派對套餐頁面消費而獲得的city'super港幣50元電子禮券將會分別於2020年12月29日及2021年1月8日發送到您的會籍內。 city'super電子禮券可於2021年1月31日或以前於4間city'super分店使用,不包括city’super網上商店,逾期無效。
  3. city'super電子禮券不適用於購買嬰兒配方奶粉、香煙、city’super購物禮券、購買或增值city’super禮品卡、增值super e卡或送貨服務收費。
  4. city'super電子禮券不可與會員電子禮券、其他推廣優惠或優惠券同時使用。
  5. 所有已取消的交易或購物退款,因應該次消費而獲得的獎賞積分將會自動扣除,包括因指定推廣計劃而額外獲得之獎賞積分。
  6. city'super電子禮券不能兌換為現金或其他禮券,使用時會一次性扣減電子禮券的總值,餘額將不作找續或退還。
  7. city'super電子禮券不能轉讓他人使用,使用時須同時出示有效的電子或實體會員卡作核實。
  8. 會員須於city’super 網上商店登入,方可獲得獎賞積分及累積消費,恕不接受追溯申請。
  9. city'super電子禮券受條款及細則約束。
  10. City Super Limited有權隨時修改此券之條款及細則而不作另行通知。如有爭議,最終將以City Super Limited之決定為準。