TARTUFLANGHE Tagliolini Egg Pasta with Truffle (250g)

SKU: 301438757

TARTUFLANGHE Tagliolini Egg Pasta with Truffle  (250g) - city&
TARTUFLANGHE Tagliolini Egg Pasta with Truffle  (250g) - city&
TARTUFLANGHE Tagliolini Egg Pasta with Truffle  (250g) - city&


TARTUFLANGHE Tagliolini Egg Pasta with Truffle (250g)

SKU: 301438757

$202.00 Regular price




Origin: Italy

Storage Condition

Store in cool dry place

Storage Condition: Store in cool dry place

TARTUFLANGHE is the first ever truffle pasta produced in the world. The TARTUFLANGHE Pasta began in 1990, thanks to Beppe’s experience and culinary imagination, as a chef and founder of TARTUFLANGHE. This home-made pasta has an extraordinary texture given by the hand-made shape, a high percentage of truffle and a great quantity of eggs which enhances the truffle flavour.

Store in cool dry place

*Photo for reference only.

TARTUFLANGHE is the first ever truffle pasta produced in the world. The TARTUFLANGHE Pasta began in 1990, thanks to Beppe’s experience and culinary imagination, as a chef and founder of TARTUFLANGHE. This home-made pasta has an extraordinary texture given by the hand-made shape, a high percentage of truffle and a great quantity of eggs which enhances the truffle flavour.

Store in cool dry place

*Photo for reference only.


TARTUFLANGHE Tagliolini Egg Pasta with Truffle (250g)

SKU: 301438757

$202.00 Regular price